Fresco maintained a book list of recommended reading that he updated periodically over the decades. Below features the earliest known list and subsequent additions.
Fresco maintained this list into the 1960s:
1887 - Bellamy, Edward - Looking Backward 2000-1887
1890 - Frazer, James George - Golden Bough, The
1896 - Gould, George M. - Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
1899 - United States Department of Defense - FM 21-76 Survival Manual
1902 - Bose, Jagadis Chunder - Response in The Living and Non Living
1906 - Sumner, William Graham - Folk-Ways
1909 - Twain, Mark - Letters From Earth
1912 - Loeb, Jacques - Mechanistic Conception of Life
1915 - Cannon, Walter B. - Bodily Changes in Pain, Hunger, Fear and Rage 2nd ed.
1918 - Loeb, Jacques - Forced Movements, Tropisms and Animal Conduct
1921 - Robinson, James Harvey - Mind in the Making, The
1921 - Veblen, Thorstein - Engineers and the Price System
1924 - Watson, John B. - Behaviorism
1926 - Crile, George Washington - Bipolar Theory of Living Processes
1927 - Pavlov, Ivan - Conditioned Reflexes
1927 - Wood, Charles Erskine Scott - Heavenly Discourse
1928 - Berry, R. J. A. - Brain and Mind or the Nervous System of Man
1928 - Watson, John B. - Ways of Behaviorism
1929 - Haggard, Howard W. - Devils, Drugs, and Doctors
1932 - Darrow, Clarence S. - Story of My Life
1933 - Korzybski, Alfred - Science and Sanity
1933 - Wells, H. G. - Shape of Things to Come, The
1934 - Crile, George Washington - Diseases Peculiar to Civilized Man
1934 - Hubbert, M. King - Technocracy Study Course
1935 - Zinsser, Hans - Rats, Lice, and History
1936 - Graubard, Mark - Biology and Human Behavior
1938 - Chase, Stuart - Proper Study of Mankind
1938 - Hogben, Lancelot - Science for the Citizen
1938 - Skinner, B. F. - Behavior of Organisms
1938,1950 - Crafts, Leland W, et al. - Recent Experiments in Psychology
1939 - Hayakawa, S. I. - Language in Thought and Action 5th ed.
1939 - Kahn, Fritz - Design for a Universe
1939 - Price, Weston - Nutrition and Physical Degeneration
1940 - MacDougall, Curtis D. - Hoaxes
1941 - Stone, Irving - For the Defense
1943 - Craighead, Frank C. - How to Survive on Land and Sea
1946 - Evans, Bergen - Natural History of Nonsense
1946 - Johnson, Wendell - People in Quandaries
1947 - Lips, Julius E. - Origin of Things, The
1948 - Chase, Stuart - Tyranny of words
1948 - Skinner, B. F. - Schedules of Reinforcement
1948 - Vogt, William - Road to Survival
1949 - O'neill, John J. - Engineering the New Age
1949 - White, Leslie - Science of Culture
1950 - Keyes, Ken - How to Develop Your Thinking Ability
1950 - Weiner, Norbert - Human Use of Human Beings
1952 - Ashby, W. Ross - Design for a Brain 2nd ed
1952 - Gardner, Martin - Fads and Fallacies in the Name Science
1952 - Scientific American - Automatic Control
1952 - Smith, Homer W. - Man and His Gods
1953 - Bross, Irwin D. J. - Design for Decision
1953 - Skinner, B. F. - Cumulative Record
1953 - Walter, W Grey - Living Brain, The
1954 - Kahn, Fritz - Man in Structure and Function vol. 1
1956 - Atkinson, Donald Taylor - Magic, Myth, and Medicine
1956 - de Latil, Pierre - Thinking by Machine
1956 - Rostand, Jean - Can Man Be Modified
1956 - Rostand, Jean - Life Great Adventure
1956 - Whyte, William H. - Organization Man, The
1957 - Adler, Irving - How Life Began
1957 - Packard, Vance - Hidden Persuaders
1957 - Skinner, B. F. - Verbal Behavior
1957 - Skinner, B. F. - Analysis of Behavior
1957 - Veblen, Thorstein - Theory of The Leisure Class, The
1958 - Graubard, Mark - Foundations of Life Science
1959 - Skinner, B. F. - Science and Human Behavior
1959 - Chaplin, James Patrick - Rumor, Fear, and the Madness of Crowds
1959 - Packard, Vance - Status Seekers
1959 - Rawcliffe, D. H. - Illusions and Delusions (of the Supernatural and Occult)
1960 - Longgood, William F. - Poisons in Your Food, The
1960 - Packard, Vance - Waste Makers
1961 - Lederer, William J. - Nation of Sheep, A
1961 - Skinner, B. F. - Walden Two
1961 - Theobald, Robert - Cybernation and Human Rights, Liberation Magazine
1962 - Clark, Arthur C. - Profiles of the Future
1962 - Ellis, David O. - Systems Philosophy
1962 - Ettinger, Robert - Prospects of Immortality
1962 - Melman, Seymour - Peace Race, The
1962 - Michael, Donald N. - Cybernation The Silent Conquest
1962 - Pfeiffer, John E. - Thinking Machine, The
1962 - Sears, Paul B. - Where There Is Life
1964 - Committee, Ad Hoc - The Triple Revolution, Liberation Magazine
1964 - Liberation Magazine - Cybernation and Fulfillment of Man
1964 - Theobald, Robert - Challenge of Abundance
1969 - Fresco, Keyes - Looking Forward
By the early 1970s, Fresco added the following:
1936 - Woodward, W. E. - New American History, A
1965 - Boguslaw, Robert - New Utopians, The
1967 - Fabun, Don - Dynamics of Change
1968 - Fuller, Buckminster - Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth
1968 - Lundberg, Ferdinand - Rich and the Super Rich
1968 - Theobald, Robert - Alternative Future for America, An
1968 - Wooldridge, Dean E. - Mechanical Man
1969 - McHale, John - Future of the Future
1969 - Ramo, Simon - Cure for Chaos: Fresh Solutions to Social Problems Through Systems Approach
1970 - DeBell, Garrett - Environmental Handbook, The
1970 - Odum, Howard T. - Environment, Power, and Society
1970 - Toffler, Alvin - Future Shock
1971 - Mintz, Morton - America Inc.
1971 - Papanek, Victor - Design for the Real World
1971 - Skinner, B. F. - Beyond Freedom and Dignity
By the late 1970s, Fresco added a few more:
1921 - Korzybski, Alfred - Manhood of Humanity
1963 - Wooldridge, Dean E. - Machinery of the Brain, The
1964 - Rodale, J. I. - Our Poisoned Earth and Sky
1968 - Churchman, C. West - Systems Approach
1972 - Teller, Woolsey - Atheist Viewpoint, The
1972 - Meadows, Donella H. - Limits to Growth
Into the 2000s, Fresco added several more contemporary sources:
1902 - Darrow, Clarence S. - Resist not Evil
1922 - Twain, Mark - Mysterious Stranger, The
1948 - Wertham, Frideric - Show of Violence, The
1954 - Ley, Willy - Engineers Dreams
1968 - Wheeler, Harvey - Democracy in a Revolutionary Era
1975 - Borgese, Elisabeth Mann - Drama of the Oceans, The
1975 - Gabel, Medard - Energy Earth and Everyone
1985 - Borgese, Elisabeth Mann - Mines of Neptune, The
1986 - Drexler, Eric - Engines of Creation
1992 - Flatow, Ira - They All Laughed
1993 - Ogden, Frank - Last Book You'll Ever Read, The
1993 - Spence, Gerry - From Freedom to Slavery
1995 - Pearson, Melford - There Is A Way
1995 - Rifkin, Jeremy - End Of Work, The
1995 - Sagan, Carl - Demon Haunted World
1995 - Shermer, Michael - Why People Believe Weird Things
1996 - Calvin, William H. - Cerebral Code, The
1998 - Borgese, Elisabeth Mann - Oceanic Circle, The
2003 - Maynard, Elliott - Transforming the Global Biosphere Twelve Futuristic Strategies
2003 - Shostak, Arthur B. - Viable Utopian Ideas
2004 - Perkins, John - Confessions of an Economic Hitman
2004 - Shostak, Arthur B. - In the Shadow of War
2007 - Perkins, John - Secret History of the American Empire
The last books added in the 2010s:
1935 - Butler, Smedley Darlington - War Is a Racket
1997 - Sapolsky, Robert M. - Trouble With Testosterone, The
2001 - Gilligan, James - Preventing Violence
2007 - Brown, Ellen Hodgson - Web of Debt
2012 - Hartung, William D. - Prophets of War
2016 - Perkins, John - New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, The
Other books of interest found in Fresco's library include:
1872 - Tyndall, John - Fragments of Science for Unscientific People
1876 - Routledge, Robert - Discoveries and Inventions of the 19th century
1898 - Darwin, Charles - Origin Of Species, The
1900 - Tyndall, John - New Fragments 3rd ed
1900 - Tyndall, John - Fragments of Science part 1
1905 - Tyndall, John - Fragment of Science part 2
1923 - Ogden, Charles Kay - Meaning of Meaning, The 2nd rev ed
1924 - Loeb, Jacques - Regeneration
1927 - Bose, Jagadis Chunder - Collected Physical Papers
1927 - Bose, Jagadis Chunder - Plant autographs and their revelations
1929 - Ferriss, Hugh - Metropolis of Tomorrow, The
1933 - Kallet, Arthur - 100 000 000 Guinea Pigs
1934 - Josephson, Matthew - Robber Barons, The
1936 - Crile, George Washington - Phenomena of Life, The
1951 - Wilson, Donald Powel - My Six Convicts
1953 - Brennan, Niall - Making of a Moron, The
1953 - Ferriss, Hugh - Power of Buildings, The
1958 - Carter, Dyson - Big Brainwash, The
1958 - Poynter, F. N. L. (ed) - History and Philosophy of Knowledge of Brain and its Functions, The
1959 - Penfield, Wilder - Speech And Brain-Mechanisms
1960 - Fuller, Buckminster - Dymaxion World of Buckminster Fuller, The
1960 - Jackson, David - Wonderful World of Engineering, The
1961 - Jellicoe, G. A. - Motopia
1961 - Siegel, Curt - Structure and Form
1968 - Lundberg, Ferdinand - Scoundrels All
1968 - Wilentz, Joan Steen - Senses of Man, The
1968 - Walton, Harry - How and Why of Mechanical Movements, The
1968 - Foreign Policy Association - Toward the Year 2018
1969 - Soleri, Paolo - Arcology the City in the Image of Man
1969 - Schmid, Thomas - Systems Building
1970 - Severino, Renato - Equipotential Space
1970 - Zuk, William - Kinetic Architecture
1971 - Dahinden, Justus - Urban Structures for the Future
1972 - Critchlow, Keith - Into the hidden environment: Oceans: lifestream of our planet
1972 - Glaeser, Ludwig - The Work of Frei Otto
1972 - Hunt, William Dudley - Total Design
1974 - Barnet, Richard J. - Global Reach
1974 - Quarmby, Arthur - Plastics and Architecture
1977 - Corliss, William R. - Handbook of Unusual Natural Phenomena
1980 - Catran, Jack - Is there Intelligent Life on Earth
1981 - O'Neill, Gerard K. - 2081 A Hopeful View of the Future
1981 - Fuller, Buckminster - Critical Path
1982 - Walker, Derek - Animated Architecture
1982 - Pawley, Martin - Building For Tomorrow
1982 - Capra, Fritjof - Turning Point, The
1983 - Soleri, Paolo - Arcosanti An Urban Laboratory
1984 - McQuade, Walter - Architecture in the Real World: The Work of Hok
1988 - Catran, Jack - Walden Three
1992 - Drexler, Eric - Nanosystems
1994 - Perry, Philippa - Mega Machines
1994 - Ogden, Frank - Ogdenisms
1997 - Diamond, Jared - Guns Germs and Steel
2000 - Rifkin, Jeremy - Age of Access, The
2000 - Gladwell, Malcolm - Tipping Point, The
2001 - Ogden, Frank - Dr. Tomorrow Book, The
2002 - Holmgren, David - Permaculture: Principles and Pathways beyond Sustainability
2004 - Calatrava, Santiago - Santiago Calatrava: The Complete Works
2006 - Toffler, Alvin - Revolutionary Wealth
2006 - Kurtzweil, Ray - Singularity is Near, The
2009 - Rifkin, Jeremy - Empathic Civilization, The
2011 - Rifkin, Jeremy - Third Industrial Revolution, The
2013 - Drexler, Eric - Radical Abundance
Fresco also cited a number of books that he did not feature on his booklist nor have in his library.
1896 - Island of Doctor Moreau, The
1897 - Bellamy, Edward - Equality
1915 - Crile, George Washington - Mechanistic View of War and Peace, A
1937 - Frazer, Felix J - Better way toward an intensive, mechanized and integrated agriculture
1937 - Rhine, J. B. - New Frontiers of the Mind: The Story of the Duke Experiments
1941 - Lee, Irving J. - Language Habits in Human Affairs
1944 - von Neumann, John - Theory of Games, The
1947 - Dunham, Barrows - Man Against Myth
1948 - Wiener, Norbert - Cybernetics: Or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine
1948 - Osborn, Henry Fairfield - Our Plundered Planet
1948 - Vogt, A. E. van - World of Null-A, The
1949 - Ley, Willy - Conquest of Space, The
1950 - Einstein, Albert - Out of My Later Years
1958 - Magee, John - General Semantics of Wall Street, The
1959 - Linton, Ralph - Tree of Culture, The
1960 - Shirer, William L. - Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, The
1960 - Theobald, Robert - Rich and the Poor, The
1961 - Piel, Gerald - Consumers of Abundance
1962 - Michael, Donald N. - Cybernation The Silent Conquest
1964 - Gallup, George - Miracle Ahead, The
1965 - Müller, Herman J. - . . . Therefore Choose Life
1965 - Cole, Dandridge M. - Beyond Tomorrow: The Next 50 Years in Space
1966 - Hansel, C. E. M. - ESP: a Scientific Evaluation
1966 - Putney, Gail J. and Snell - Adjusted American, The
1970 - Colossus: The Forbin Project
1973 - Hennessey & Papanek, James & Victor - Nomadic Furniture
1975 - Man: The Incredible Machine
1987 - Theobald, Robert - The Rapids of Change
2002 - Vidal, Gore - Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace